Dark Form_Book 1 of the Shadow War Trilogy Read online

Page 3

  “What is this place?”

  “This is your new home,” Crystalline sighs.

  “What…?” I’m lost.

  “The training room, this is where I grew up. This―”

  “Is where you will train to perfect your power.” Genu cuts off Crystalline using hand gestures to indicate “my power” as the flame between my palms.

  “I-I’m not sure if I like this,” I can’t believe that this is happening to me of all people.

  “Too bad. You don’t have a choice anymore.”

  I want to argue with Genu but his expression is serious. His eyes are colder than a frozen wasteland. I feel as if he is drilling through my mind, preventing me from trying to refuse. Crystalline I can tolerate. Genu, on the other hand, is a different set of emotional balance. Perhaps if I just stay a couple of days, see how this works out, and figure out a plan; maybe, just maybe, I could get out of here and find my way through Elvendora.

  “Haha,” Genu smirks.

  “Let me show you around.” Crystalline glares.

  She reaches her hand out for mine. I direct my gaze to the flame within my palms, then back to her hand. My eyes meet with her’s, those purple eyes that just wow every aspect of my soul into the open. She understands my fear of not knowing how to control the flame and lets her hand fall to a lonely limp at her side.

  Not even the slightest echo escapes from her footsteps. While mine fumble over pebbles and cracks creating loud bellows of noise that radiate through the cavern. It shows my almost complete lack of training.

  The more I walk through this architecture the more I want to leave. A faint dripping sound towards the center of the room grows into the roar of crashing water. Perhaps the most graceful part of nature I have ever seen; considering that I’ve never left the forest until now.

  A waterfall plummets from high above the ground, through a hole in the ceiling. Its fall, from wherever, doesn’t even cause a mess; the water lands perfectly into a raging stream. This place draws every aspect of my attention; I feel a powerful connection to it…to everything.

  Being so absorbed into everything left me ill to my surroundings. Genu swoops in next to me and steals the fire right out of my hands. He swirls his arms around himself, creating rings of flame about his body. With one swift movement and Genu thrusts his hands outwards.

  The fire evaporates, exploding in all directions. Low whistles of embers hum as the flame zips through the air. Elaborate formations and motions hypnotize me as they fly around. Within moments, bright lights ignite along the perimeter of the cavern as small combustions strike the walls’ surface.

  When I focus on the source of the light I realize they are torches. There are more than a hundred torches in the room, a few feet of space in-between each one. I don’t understand why the torches are necessary if we can all see in the dark.

  “Are you…are you like me?”

  “No, I am quite the opposite,” his voice grows faint as he walks away.

  “Then what are you and how did you control the fire?” I pester him.

  Crystalline rest her hands on my broad shoulders.

  “I think it’s time we tell him what’s going on,” she smiles at me, “he deserves to know”

  Genu stops dead in his tracks; fear races down my spine sending shivers throughout my body. When he turns around to face me his golden eyes glitter a mischievous thought.

  “Yes…” Crystalline’s grip on my shoulders tightened at his pause, “if Zarvick can land one hit on me.”

  My fear is replaced by the sulking pain in my shoulders. She is going to break my bones if her grips becomes any tighter. Her hands, alone, possess more strength than my entire stature.

  “Fine. Let’s do it your way you stubborn bastard.”

  Crystalline releases me from her grip of death. I couldn’t help but collapse to my knees holding my shoulders.

  “However, to make this an equal playing field―” she releases an eerie grin, “―I am going to block your powers.”

  Genu gives her a death stare, then smiles.

  I wonder if it hurt him to smile?

  His gaze falls upon me. It’s like he knows what I am thinking and it’s freaky.

  “Well played,” his attention goes back to Crystalline, “I raised you well. And I agree to the terms. If you block him as well.”

  Both of them stare at me.

  “Okay, I don’t see the fairness in that. He doesn’t even know how to use his powers.”

  Genu’s slightly thick eyebrows deepen, giving him a precisely expression.

  “Point taken,” Crystalline responds noting the look.

  Genu walks over to us, I bring myself to my feet. The pain in my shoulders is less dense now that her grip is gone. Crystalline’s hands clasped in front of the center of her chest. She then places her palms on mine and Genu’s chest. With a burgundy glow, every connection to nature that I have dwindles.

  Chapter 3

  The glow between Crystalline’s hand and my chest slowly dims as its effects warp into me. Tiny prickling sensations scurry across my skin the moments after her touch withdraws from me. My eyes align to Genu’s wavering gaze. The golden color becomes absent as his mind seems to wander away. All at once, everything comes back together within him; Genu’s stare is meticulous.

  “Ready,” it’s not a question.

  “Yes, Genu. I just don’t understand what’s going on.”

  Crystalline decides to clarify, “if you can hit Genu at least once, he will give you all the answers that you want. Sooo, try your best..”

  One hit equals all my answers, I mentally grasp those words as they race around my mind.

  Crystalline takes a few long steps back all the way to the staircase.

  Oh dear, Elvendora. Genu is going to try and kill me and she’s going to stand watch. Fear starts bubbling up inside of me.

  No! I will not back down now, not now.

  His ivory silk garments bring out the destruction behind his eyes. The white clothing is pure and slim, fitting to his body shape and structure perfectly. His boots have small black heels in the back and straps that are buckled on the outside of the shoes. A white ribbon with golden laced edges wraps around his waist and comes together in a delightful knot. Genu’s wardrobe is quite fancy for a kaine.

  Before we start off, his silk shirt forms into an ivory colored vest that drapes over his shoulders, clasping together on his abdomen. This reveals his pale skin and lean muscles underneath. Not the most menacing look but an ass kicking one nonetheless.

  “Let’s begin,” his tone sounds in a satisfied manner.

  Luckily, my parents have trained me somewhat on how to fight. Hopefully, it’s good enough. Steadily, the tension within my muscles slips away, slowly my body shifts into a fighting stance. Open palms hover inches from one another out in front of me. Feet equally spread apart, as I squat at a slight angle. Genu decides to mimic my stance, mocking me.

  Minutes of silence and complete stillness pass by before my feet glide across the floor. My right shoulder cocks back. I use it as an illusion to stick him with something more powerful. Muscles within my calf and thigh flex as my foot flies through the air; with a powerful thud, Genu catches my leg. His fingers grip my shin, sending a pulse of pain through the bone. With futile effort to escape, he hurls me half way between him and Crystalline. He didn’t even use his other hand to help him throw me!

  I land with a soft thump but a large amount of agony. Genu is…something else. My parents always told me about a warrior that was beast both by day and night. One can only assume they meant him.

  Crackling aches flow from my bones onto my skin. Most of this pain isn’t from him it’s from before, yet I shrug it off. I use boundless effort to bring myself to my feet. Glaring at Genu, angrily, I focus all my attention on him. I am determined to get my answers and to show him that I am not a waste of time.

  My shoulders rise and fall as air circulates through me. I may not be able to read his mi
nd language but I should be able to find an opening. Examining every aspect of his body gives me nothing. Wait…his lower body has shifted slightly different than his upper. Don’t know how to use that against him, however, I will have to try.

  I break into a mad sprint. Once I come within a few feet of Genu, I fall to the floor as I slide my body between his legs. Quickly, I rebound and spin on my hands sending my feet flailing in circular motions; he evades the attack.

  I bounce from my hands spinning through the air and landing on my feet, putting more space between us. The kaine just stands there observing me.

  “You are more agile than you appear.”

  That is probably going to be the nicest thing I will ever hear from him. It could also just be a trap to let my guard down so he can take me on my ass I’m not going to give in.

  “Um…thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” he replies with a deadly tone.


  Genu charges me. In a blur, he is right in my face readying an attack; swiftly he propels his fist forwards. At the last moment, I block the punch and counter strike with my own; he dodged my attack and spins away from me.

  Now it’s things are heating up and I am getting ever so close to hitting him.

  I come in with a kick, he quickly grabs the back of my calf and utilizes a strong flick of his wrist that sends me flying through the air like a corkscrew. With a sudden, concentrated thought, my opposite foot touches the ground just before I hit the wall. Allowing me to catch my balance and get back into a standing position.

  Genu rushes into this perfect opportunity. I left myself open and defenseless; from which, he is miraculously fast enough to take it. He knees me in the gut; when my head comes down, his other foot swings from behind him and strikes me in the face. I am knocked backwards as Genu grabs my shirt and pulls me in; he hits me in the chin with an open palm strike pushing me off the ground and into the wall.

  My fingers grind into the stone, gripping against cracks to give me some leverage as I pull myself up. Once I regain myself, I start all over. This time with a punch right. He dodges, sending a knee after my gut for the second time. However, I am ready for this one. My hand comes down onto his knee as I fling myself off the ground and flip over him. I make a wobbly landing and rebound with a hasty jab at his back. Aaannnddd nothing!

  Genu copies me and flips over me. Before I could react, he sweeps his leg across the floor and takes my legs out from under me. My shoulder smacks against the ground, hard.

  “Dammit,” I mutter.

  I pull myself up. Anger floods my body boiling my skin to steaming hot temperatures. I have to get my answers and he is the only thing stopping me. So, I am going to have to go all out. I swing right, he dodges left. I uppercut left, he dodges right. I sweep kick at his head and he ducks. Genu counters by slamming his palms into my torso; I am blown back into the wall by a wave of strength cast from him into me.

  Whoever taught him how to fight obviously did too good of a job. He’s unstoppable. Especially compared to me.

  A thundering roar sounds through the cavern as he appears in front of my face once again. His rough hands grab my ragged apparel, I am lifted inches off the ground. Genu’s eyes glow while sharp fangs enlarge within his mouth, his skin vaguely darkens and his nails grow into keen talons. Genu’s pointed ears grow a little in size as they slide along the sides of his head; his hair even shortens as this happens. The vest twists and morphs into giant leathery bat-like wings retaining their previous ivory color.

  He stares at me for only a few seconds, then tosses me across the room. Just as I am about to hit the ground I am suddenly soaring towards the ceiling. As I look up, I witness Genu carrying me by the ankle as he flies around.

  But he is a kaine! Those wings! He can’t—

  “Put him down, now!” Crystalline shouts.

  Without hesitation, he releases me and I hurtle to the floor. Barely catching myself at the last second before I take any serious damage.

  Who should I be more afraid of at this point? Crystalline or Genu? I ponder.

  Genu lands a few feet from me. Slowly, his appearance becomes more elvish…seemly normal. His wings morph back into the ivory vest upon his body. Yet, I still can’t get the image of this transformation out of my mind.

  “Am I not allowed to have my fun,” Genu laughs.

  Crystalline glares holes through his face.

  “You can try to be more serious!”

  If you ask me, I’d say he is more than serious. Serious about killing me!

  “It’s fine, Crystalline. No harm was done,” I lie.

  They both stare at me.

  “Zarvick, do you even know what Genu is, what you are?”

  Obviously not, I think to myself. But I keep my mouth shut.

  “Crystalline! Now is not the time!”

  Crystalline whips her head back to him, “Hush it! Now is the utmost time to tell him!”

  Hesitantly, my mouth slowly opens but quickly retreats.


  “No, I don’t,” I manage against her authority.

  “He is like you and me. Just not the same thing.”

  “Does that make sense to you? Because it doesn’t to me,” I respond regretfully under her gaze.

  “Zarvick you are a zouvx. A half-breed just like Genu and myself.”

  Instantly, I am gone as everything goes black. My body falls dead.

  * * * * *

  I awake, back in the room from before. Yet, this time there is no mixture of lights to bring life to the walls. Just the faint glow of the moons in the distance. My eyes lie open, the only part of me willing to be open to the world.

  Wait! If Crystalline is a zouvx and I am a zouvx that means…

  A knock on the door echoes into my thoughts.

  “Come in,” I say after sitting up.

  Crystalline’s purple eyes greet mine.

  “Hello…do you mind if we talk?”

  “No,” I wasn’t sure of my answer.

  She enters the room closing the door quietly behind her. In the dim, light I see a pink robe carefully wrapped around her. She motions with her hands for me to scoot over, I do instantly when I notice her sliding on the edge of the bed. Quickly, she is beside me.

  Her hair remains within its perfect curliness like always, bringing out her amethyst eyes.

  “Listen…about earlier…I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Upset me? That’s not how I would put it. Although, my fainting was a little strange.

  Crystalline continues not wanting a response, “I just believe you have the right to know what we are. You and I.”

  “What are we?”

  She sighs a long threatening, heart-wrenching sigh.

  “We are a special kind of zouvx. Well, you and I anyways. We are—”

  “Are we related?” I cut her off.

  She takes one glance at me, dumbfounded, then says, “why do you ask?”

  Is it really not the obvious?!

  “I ask because we have the same colored hair, same eyes, and even similar skin complexions. Plus, we are the same race.”

  “We are not a race. You and I are the only zouvx of our type. And our hair, eyes, and skin are similar due to what our parents are. And to the balance of Elvendora’s life force.”

  “So…we are not related,” please say no!

  “No, we are not Zarvick,” she sighs.

  I feel ecstatic.

  “Zarvick do you know about the legend of the five creators and the great history of Elvendora?”


  Crystalline grins from ear-to-ear.

  “I would tell you myself, but…,” dramatic pause, “Nobody tells a story like Genu! Let’s see if he is in the garden.”

  Garden? At this time of night? These people are crazy.

  “You do realize he and I were just fighting. I doubt he wants to see me,” I respond.

  She rolls her eyes, “Genu doesn’t hold grudge
s. Besides, that was basically the start of your training. He was testing your fighting capabilities.”

  Not giving me a chance to say more, Crystalline grabs my hand and quickly jumps off of the bed in a hurry. Pain shoots through me like an arrow but is quickly soothed by a flowing numbness. Not sure what is causing it, however, every time she touches me every bit of pain diminishes away. My bare feet scurry across the frozen floor fumbling as I try to keep up with Crystalline. An alluring fragrance of exotic smells radiates from her and fills my nostrils as I stumble into her when we come directly to a halt.

  Looking up I see the giant stone doors leading out into the courtyard. Crystalline’s big amethyst eyes—just like mine—stare into me. Emotion tearing moments pass slowly; making me want to swoop Crystalline off the floor and into my arms. Compassion and love flow through me, I—what am I thinking? We barely know one another. She probably doesn’t feel the same. I shake my head at these thoughts and she cocks an eyebrow at me.

  “Something wrong?”

  “No,” I reply trying to hide the emotions from her.

  She just nods, then pushes the doors open; a beautiful sight befalls my eyes. Grasping every detail as if they are to be the last thing I ever see. A large wolf-like creature—Genu—sits in the center of the courtyard surrounded by the garden from before. This time, however, it is different. The crimson moon illuminates the rainbreonic colors of the flowers as they bathe in its light. Genu’s black fur glistens in the light, flowing in different shades of a red-coated tan.

  His golden eyes shimmer against the moon’s crimson gleam, he stands tall on masculine hind legs; Genu’s forearms drape at his sides as his bulky silhouette engages the ambiance and large fangs peer out of the beast’s muzzle. A slow breeze rustles his thick fur, releasing a calming aura into Crystalline and me.

  “If you let your mind open to what the world has to offer the answers to all your question are left without questioning.”

  He speaks but not physically…mentally. It’s nerve wracking actually. What is so special about Genu? What makes him anything like us?